Tag Archives: F-250 trail groomer
Even with a few snow
Quality trails even with a few centimeters of fresh snow on the ground, while the
Trail experts for nordic skiing
With an Alpina snowmobile equipped with an F-250 trail implement you can: – prepare XC
River Ridge Nordic
Here we go, grooming again! Alpina Superclass 1.2L with Alpina F-250 groomer. Credit: River Ridge
Biathlon Antholz Anterselva
A morning at work among the most beautiful mountains in the world. Credit: Biathlon Antholz
Break time now!
SUPERCLASS 1.2L parked in front of the refuge (Civetta ski area, Dolomites). Credit: Marco Bugin
Good job guys!
Meanwhile in Yukon, a new Superclass 1.2 and a Sherpa, side by side, setting tracks.
LLV Kalthof-Wiliberg
Goldener Donnerstagabend auf der Loipe Kalthof-Wiliberg. Ph. credit: LLV Kalthof-Wiliberg
Cross-country ski and Biathlon season is going to start soon
And here’s a fresh good new from Antholz Biathlon Arena: “Now it is official:
The best time for setting XC-ski tracks
The best time for setting XC-ski tracks is before the sunset, before the night freezing,
Neues Loipenfahrzeug eingeweiht
Heute, 1. August, haben wir im Beisein von Regierungsrat und Sportminister Alex Hürzeler in Staffelbach
Setting multiple XC-Ski tracks on a mass start area? Yes, we can!
F-250 is the latest generation of snow grooming equipment developed by Alpina for the use