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    What are you waiting for?

    With an Alpina snowmobile you can prepare nordic ski trails with the quality of a

    What is an Alpina Snow-Bus?

    It’s a powerful Alpina snowmobile with twin-tracks, a sturdy transmission and a low-emissions 4-stroke engine

    Balu Park

    “Vă urăm bun venit în ținutul nostru acoperit de zăpadă! În peisajele noastre acoperite de

    Awesome Sherpa 1.4

    Ph. credit: Mammoth Lakes Trail System

    Alle Sorgenti del Piave

    “Grazie ai nostri volontari di Zepodar Sende è battuta la strada per le Sorgenti del


    “Pronti con le nostre gite con lo snowbus invernale di Palano Servizi. Da venerdì saremo

    New opportunities for the winter tourism

    With Alpina snowmobiles you can tow any size heated caravan in the wild. Families, aurora

    Happy 2024!

    In particular to all volunteers who spend their spare time grooming the #xcski trails in

    Lot of snow

    This is our most sincere wish for the 2024.

    Power without limits

    Power all your extra lights and electric appliances with no worries, Superclass 1.2L has a

    The perfect (snow) storm

    A snowstorm just before a ski race… is always welcome!☃️ The new Superclass 1.2L can

    Today’s advice for a good xc-ski trail

    Pack the fresh snow as much as you can, for a better quality and durability

    How it’s made

    Did you know shock absorbers installed on the Superclass 1.2L are specially engineered and built

    Casper Mountain Outdoor Center

    “Thank you to Joe and Laura at 47 North Snowmobiles for helping us obtain some