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    Don’t wait for next snowfall: take care of your snowmobile now!

    Put fresh oil in it, follow the recommended seasonal maintenance schedule and then garage it,

    Quality inside

    Did you know? The Superclass 1.2 has a 55 Ah battery with a very high

    47 North Snowmobiles

    47 North Snowmobiles US distributor of ALPINA Snowmobiles, Parts and Accessories 11750 Spencer Road, Saginaw,

    Dual-track for passion

    Alpina snowmobiles are known for their dual-track and unsurpassed stability. For 25 years!

    Harriniva Hotels & Safaris

    Haluaisitko päästä tunturiin ihailemaan upeita maisemia ja saada mahtavia kuvia, mutta kuitenkin samalla pysyä lämpimänä

    Today is Throwback Tuesday

    Today is Throwback Tuesday: a CCSAAM (Cross Country Ski Areas Association Meeting) in 1998, with

    Setting multiple XC-Ski tracks on a mass start area? Yes, we can!

    F-250 is the latest generation of snow grooming equipment developed by Alpina for the use

    Reliable partners

    Telecommunications need reliable partners.

    Alpina Superclass 1.2 VVT has received a NER = ZERO 🏁

    Alpina Superclass 1.2 VVT has received a NER = ZERO, but what does NER mean?

    The gift for the 25th Anniversary looks fantastic!

    Thanks Laura & Hal, thanks 47 NORTH SNOWMOBILES!

    Happy Birthday ALPINA!

    Celebrating the 25th Anniversary

    Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club

    Wow – a brand new addition to our grooming equipment. This groomer and tracksetter just

    Northern Lights Expedition

    Ahdistaako pakkanen? Eikö tarkene hiihtää? Leviääkö pää mökillä takkaa lämmitellessä? Meneekö baarit liian aikaisin kiinni?

    Welcome aboard Editrade Slovenia!😎

    Editrade is the new Alpina distributor for Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo.