Category Archives: Uncategorized
New opportunities for the winter tourism
With Alpina snowmobiles you can tow any size heated caravan in the wild. Families, aurora
Happy 2024!
In particular to all volunteers who spend their spare time grooming the #xcski trails in
Power without limits
Power all your extra lights and electric appliances with no worries, Superclass 1.2L has a
The perfect (snow) storm
A snowstorm just before a ski race… is always welcome!☃️ The new Superclass 1.2L can
Today’s advice for a good xc-ski trail
Pack the fresh snow as much as you can, for a better quality and durability
How it’s made
Did you know shock absorbers installed on the Superclass 1.2L are specially engineered and built
Casper Mountain Outdoor Center
“Thank you to Joe and Laura at 47 North Snowmobiles for helping us obtain some
Heja Sverige!
Ronnie Lindgren just sent us this nice shot, with his Sherpa 1.6 equipped with F-250
Built to last
An Alpina snowmobile will be a dependable workhorse though the years. It’s common to see
Even with a few snow
Quality trails even with a few centimeters of fresh snow on the ground, while the
Trail experts for nordic skiing
With an Alpina snowmobile equipped with an F-250 trail implement you can: – prepare XC
Tutti al lavoro con la fuoriclasse del lavoro
Si chiama Superclass 1.2L VVT 12V, è la motoslitta bicingolo dell’azienda vicentina che si è