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    Archives par mois de publication: février 2023

    BLOKE – tekaške proge

    Dobili še nekaj snega, zjutraj pa jasno in hladno. Narejenih 10 km. prog za prosto

    Upper Michigan Explorers

    Thank you Hal!

    Rifugio Gingerino

    Fresh supplies for the hut are coming, on Sherpa 1.6. Thanks Alessandro for the picture.😎

    First Class Travel

    On request is available also with the armchairs in Venetian red satin fabric. Thanks to

    Chalet Cimone

    Rock concert rehearsals on the snow. Ph credit: Chalet Cimone

    Professional drinkers, do not imitate!

    When you see a bar in the backwoods 🍺 and can’t wait for the shuttle

    Vannas SK

    Final checks on the machine just delivered before to run it. Ph. credit: Vannas SK

    Hauler Monday! 💪

    Water supplying to Valbella Hut with the 2009 Sherpa 1.4 plus Transalp BUS sled behind.

    Biathlon Antholz Anterselva

    A morning at work among the most beautiful mountains in the world. Credit: Biathlon Antholz


    The whole is made of details.