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    Архив за месяц: Январь 2022

    A Superclass is not just a work-horse snowmobile

    With a smooth and comfortable riding in any snow condition, it will conquer even the

    Hauling a caravan across the NWT — Canada

    A Sherpa 1.4L proudly hauling a caravan across the Northwest Territories — Canada. Activities at

    Northern Lights Expedition Oy

    Sherpa Snowtrain is ready. Tonight we drove 6 hours underneath of the Northern Lights!!! Credit:

    LLV Kalthof-Wiliberg

    Goldener Donnerstagabend auf der Loipe Kalthof-Wiliberg. Ph. credit: LLV Kalthof-Wiliberg  

    Parco Nazionale del Cilento

    Al Rifugio Cervati con Alpina Snowmobiles. Ph. credit: Giuseppe D’Amico