Different from conventional snowmobiles
You can’t compare the Superclass with the other utility snowmobiles, it’s in a class by itself. It’s not just “a larger snowmobile”, it’s a real workhorse which can do from 2 to 3 times the job made by other snowmobiles.
The Alpina power-trains are lightweight 4-stroke engines, with extremely high reliability standards, fuel efficiency and low emissions.
The dual-track + dual-ski design offer an unsurpassed stability, ease of steering and traction than any other existing snowmobile. Dual-track means double track’s footprint in contact with the snow, thus double traction and double floating ability. Thanks to the low gearing transmission and high torque engine they can be used to tow an impressive amount of load.
The Alpina snowmobiles are not in competition with the conventional snowmobiles and is not meant to replace the conventional snowmobiles but to integrate the fleet with a flexible vehicle that stays in the middle between a conventional snowmobile and a small-class tracked vehicle.
Explore our lineup and you will understand why an Alpina snowmobile makes the difference.
Motoneiges ALPINA / Les meilleures motoneiges utilitaires
ALPINA Motorschlitten / Die besten Arbeitsschlitten
ALPINA snöskotrar / bästa arbetsskoter
ALPINA Moottorikelkat / Parhaat työkelkat
Motoslitte ALPINA / Le migliori motoslitte da lavoro